We are a deeply humane company. We recognize the dignity of the person, we value talent, experience, knowledge, and the opinions of our associates.
Respect, Justice, Trust and Care are part of our Golden Rule.
At Grupo Bimbo, we are committed to being more than just a place to work, but rather a place where people can fully develop their professional and human potential in an atmosphere of respect and cordiality, where a culture of valuing diversity and inclusion is promoted, where there is no discrimination, and in which, above all to assure the well-being, safety, and develpment of our associates.
In keeping with our purpose of “Being a sustainable, highly productive, and deeply humane company”, we focus on training leaders and associates consistent with our beliefs, and committed to our vision of leading with superior safety and organizational health.
We want to provide to the people that work in Grupo Bimbo with productive work and to contribute towards their development. To accomplish this, each and every one of our work centers is in charge of hiring the personnel needed to execute their processes. With this, the visibility regarding schedules, requirements, and vacant positions is increasingly more accurate and followed, in part thanks to the information compiled each year to analyze the performance of our Company in terms of hiring and turnover.
To find out the tables of the talent section, consult:
About this Report and Annexes
At Grupo Bimbo we are committed to providing a risk-free work environment that ensures the physical safety of our associates and fosters wholesome lifestyles.
Key components in Safety & Wellness management are the existing Committees, Sub-committees, and Commissions found in the majority of the work centers, and which are focused on:
- Providing follow-up on Safety results and strategies.
- Detecting risks and mitigating based on prior analysis.
- Identifying and correcting unsafe behaviors through Safety observations.
- Investigating injuries to determine the root cause and the corrective measures needed.
- Communicating subjects related to prevention and health care, fostering the involvement of all associates, and recognizing good results.

-10% injuries vs. 2018 which means 289 less injuries.
Implementation of the zero tolerance clause in our Global Safety Policy.
+60% reduction in absenteeism due to injuries on the job.
Increased timely detection of health-risk cases in all our organizations.
The inclusion of local leadership strengthens us, increasing benefits for the local community improving the Organization’s capacity to understand the environment and needs of each region.
We rely on a strategy of global mobility to ensure that leaders with development potential can expand their careers by accepting challenges in different markets and, in doing so, may obtain knowledge and experience that will help them grow personally and professionally.
Through international assignments, we take the right talent to the operations needed, thus offering greater benefits to our associates. For this to be possible, we have policies that help manage temporary or long-term assignments.
Moreover, the Global Talent and Development Office, together with other involved Global Management Office, create succession plans to identify the talent with potential, and implement actions for their development. Tracking is done through the individual development plan.
Top Management: Associates at VP2 level or above.
Local: Include those VPs either born or who have the legal right to reside permanently (naturalized citizens or permanent visa holders) in the geographic market of the Organization where they work.
Locations with significant operations: All those operations having VP levels within their structure.
During the year, the turnover rate
in Grupo Bimbo was 16%
(terminations / total associates)
The Turnover rate helps us to identify those aspects influencing and motivating our associates to develop their talent, share their expertise, and increase their potential in a climate of respect, dignity and continuous learning.
Training is one of the fundamental pillars within Grupo Bimbo. Because of this, as of their first year with us, all our associates are offered training programs in institutional content, and according to their position and responsibility they are supplied with the subsequent technical courses needed. This is how the immediate supervisors and the people in charge of development in each organization promote the offerings available in GB University (our internal platform of learning management) .
The Development Managers conduct monthly follow-up regarding compliance with the annual training in classroom, and global courses are communicated and given follow-up through our GB University Committee. With these actions, our commitment to drive meaningful growth and development for all our associates is evident.
* Hours of training for active associates at the close of 2019
Details in complimentary table 404-1.
At least once a year we conduct a performance evaluation based on criteria known by the associate and his/her leader. This evaluation may be completed only by the direct manager, and in some cases it may involve the participation of other associates.
These practices contribute to the professional and individual development of the person and they foster good working relationships.
Each year we measure the Engagement of our people with a tool codesigned by Grupo Bimbo and Mercer. It is a survey that measures associate perceptions regarding 15 dimensions, with the purpose of knowing the extent to which they contribute energy and effort towards the meeting of goals, and their satisfaction with the Company. The results are used to generate action plans, even at the work center level, in the hopes of continuing to have and increasing the engagement of our people.
As part of our interest in ensuring our associates’ well-being and quality of life in all aspects, we follow a Compensation Policy based on a Total Rewards model, to maintain compensation updated and competitive.
During 2019, we offered the Compensation Course for Grupo Bimbo Leaders to our top executives, in both English and in Spanish. This course provides the tools and information required to better manage compensations for their teams. We shall continue to develop new and enhanced initiatives that recognize and reward our high-performance associates.
Our wages are equal or above the minimum wage in all the countries where we operate, and we make sure the hiring conditions cover everything set forth by the local labor legislation.
Each associate’s salary from the work position held, the impact level, and comparable pay for similar positions in the market where we operate, with the required responsibilities and profile regarding experience, education, and skills.
One of the ways we value people is the conviction that diversity enriches us and inclusion strengthens us.
We seek to go beyond tolerance, truly valuing the person.
Living by a culture of inclusion where all persons feel they belong and have the same development opportunities, being free to be themselves.
We seek to increase the diversity of our labor force through the conscientious inclusion of groups who are less represented among the candidates interviewed for any given position. Each list of candidates must have at least 25% of diverse talent in any of its facets. This is reported every two months, working together with the Talent Attraction area.
This is a global awareness program for associates in leadership positions. The purpose is to teach our leaders the importance of having diverse work teams, and to help them overcome any biases.
We have people who have a disability and we have identified positions where they may grow and do their work safely. Our objective is to increase this number each year, granting equal opportunities.
In the different countries where we operate, we adapt the Diversity and Inclusion strategy to the laws and/or needs of the geography, making sure we include persons who have any disability.
At Grupo Bimbo we believe that all associates have potential, regardless of gender, age, disabilities, origin, religion, race, physical traits, or sexual identity.
Moreover, we have an alliance with associations that support the community and maintain our Diversity and Inclusion leaders trained.
We support gender equality and therefore, the Leadership Circles, a program based on the LEAN IN methodology, which includes female talent and a mentor -an internal VP- who meet every two months to develop and empower groups of women throughout the organizations having a Diversity and Inclusion Plan.
We grant different benefits related to maternity and paternity leave. These include: working from the home and leave for a full year to care for the baby, with the ability to return without losing any seniority.
Each country should adopt the maternity and paternity leave in keeping with organization needs and in compliance with labor legislation.
Under no circumstances does Grupo Bimbo employ minors or young people who are not authorized to work by any local legislation in force. Our Code of Ethics clearly defines this.
Our recruitment process ensures that all candidates show legal proof of age by requesting official documents that can verify what is written on the application form. In some countries, the information is validated by government agencies or public health institutions. The duties to be performed by young people are designed according to criteria established under the legislation of each country.
Lastly, our suppliers are obligated to comply with the provisions of our Code of Ethics, and to sign the Supplier Code of Behavior, wherein the ban on child and forced labor is clearly established anywhere in their production chain.
Grupo Bimbo categorically rejects forced labor. This commitment is clearly visible in our Code of Ethics. In addition, there is a Speakup Line, to be able to denounce any violation. During the period covered by this report, there was no risk noted or case related to forced or mandatory labor. The following organizations and countries report the use of the voluntary signing of individual labor contracts as a mechanism with which to avoid forced labor: BQ (France, Ukraine, Turkey, Russia, Italy); EAA (China). On the other hand, the USA and Canada reported having criteria in their Collective Bargaining Agreements (CBA) that cover overtime.
In other business units, overtime is customary, and they are of mutual agreement and voluntary between the Company and the associate. Said overtime is paid according to applicable legislation in force, never exceeding established limits.
Through the Wellness Strategy, Grupo Bimbo seeks to have all its associates able to self-manage healthy lifestyles and be aware of the care needed for physical and mental health. Our challenges in promoting health and wellness among our associates are:
- Having a positive influence on the health of our associates.
- Having work centers that foster adopting wholesome lifestyles.
- Detecting and mitigating risk factors for our health at our work centers.
- Maintaining indicators and analytics to measure the impact of wellness programs.
We have a Global Wellness Policy that specifies the duties of the Company and its leaders, with a wellness model that governs our actions.